Team CoScreen

V7.10: Bug Fixes

AUTHOR: Team CoScreen

The core user experience remains the highest priority for us here at CoScreen and this release tackles a bunch of bugs that you have reported to us. Keep the feedback coming!

What was improved on CoScreen for Windows?

  • Enhanced remote control on Windows to allow remote and local users to interact with the same window more seamlessly and also prevent freezing and disappearing of cursors. Please reach out to the support team or submit feedback after your next session if you experience any remote control issues.

  • Improved window border detection to ensure they appear in the correct location.

  • Revamped remote keyboard input handling to ensure keyboard input is directed to the correct window and prevent focus from being stolen.

  • Resolved a bug that caused windows shared from macOS with vertical displays to appear too small for Windows users.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the app to hang at the launch screen when the network is offline. Now an error message will be displayed when the network is offline and the session is unable to connect.

What was improved on CoScreen for macOS?

  • Ensured the cmd+` shortcut switches between CoScreen dialogs and remote windows.

  • Corrected an issue that caused shared windows from Sonoma to appear with a mirror effect.

What else was improved? 

  • Fixed an issue that disrupted screen sharing on the web app of CoScreen.

  • Improved connection handling to prevent unwarranted disconnects.

  • Disabled the CoScreen watermark that previously was an indicator of which display you could share from. Given that you can now share from any display and even at the same time, it’s not required anymore.

  • Decreased the size of the CoScreen application by over 40%.

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