Team CoScreen

V7.10.41: Bug fixes

AUTHOR: Team CoScreen

We love hearing your feedback and fixing what is most important to you. This release squashes bugs that you have reported to us. Keep the feedback coming!

What's new in CoScreen V7.10.41?

  • Ensured users can share windows from Unreal Editor. 

  • Corrected an issue that prevented users from using CoScreen without a webcam connected.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from joining meetings if no microphone was connected. 

  • Resolved an issue that caused the sharing tab to appear unexpectedly.

  • Enhanced connection management to ensure that shared screens are displayed promptly when shared and that users remain connected to their sessions.

Update 13 Aug, 2024 (7.10.114)

  • We updated our debugging framework for tracking errors and collecting logs

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